Industrial Biotransforillations

Industrial Biotransforillations

History of Industrial Biotransformations — Dreams and Realities:

  • From the «flower of vinegar» to the recombinant E. coli — The history of microbial biotransformations
  • From gastric juice to SweetzymeT — The history of enzymatic biotransformations
  • Advantages of biotransformations over classical chemistry

Enzyme Classification:

  • The Enzyme Nomenclature
  • The Enzyme Classes (Oxidoreductases, Transferases, Hydrolases, Lyases, Isomerases, Ligases)

Basics of Bioreaction Engineering:

  • Definitions
  • Biosynthesis and immobilization of biocatalysts
  • Characteristics of the different enzyme classes
  • Kinetics
  • Basic reactor types and their mode of operation

В книге Industrial Biotransformations речь идет об истории промышленной биотрансформации — Мечты и реальность:

  • Рекомбинантная кишечная палочка — история микробных биотрансформации
  • Желудочный сок — история ферментативной биотрансформации
  • Преимущества биотрансформации по классической химии

Классификация и описание классов Ферментов:

  • Номенклатура ферментов
  • Классы Ферментов (оксидоредуктаз, трансферазы, гидролазы, лиазы, изомеразы, Лигазы)

Основы инженерных биореакций:

  • Биосинтез и иммобилизации биокатализаторов
  • Характеристики различных классов ферментов
  • Кинетика
  • Основные типы реакторов и их режим работы

The main incentive in writing this book was to gather information on one-step biotransformations that are of industrial importance. With this collection, we want to illustrate that more enzyme catalyzed processes have gained practical significance than their potential users are conscious of. There is still a prejudice that biotransformations are only needed in cases where classical chemical synthesis fails. Even the conviction that the respective biocatalysts are not available and, if so, then too expensive, unstable and only functional in water, still seems to be widespread. We hope that this collection of industrial biotransformations will in future influence decision-making of synthesis development in such a way that it might lead to considering the possible incorporation of a biotransformation step in a scheme of synthesis.

We therefore took great pains in explicitly describing the substrates, the catalyst, the product and as much of the reaction conditions as possible of the processes mentioned. Wherever flow schemes were available for publication or could be generated from the reaction details, this was done. Details of some process parameters are still incomplete, since such information is only sparingly available. We are nevertheless convinced that the details are sufficient to convey a feeling for the process parameters. Finally, the use of the products is described and a few process-relevant references are made.

The book begins with a short historical overview of industrial biotransformations. Since the process order of the compilation is in accordance with the enzyme nomenclature system, the latter is described in more detail. We also include achapter on reaction engineering to enable an easier evaluation of the processes.

The main part of the book, as you would expect, is the compilation of the industrial biotransformations. The comprehensive index will allow a facile search for substrates, enzymes and products.

We sincerely hope that this book will be of assistance in the academic as well as the industrial field, when one wants to get an insight into industrial biotransformations.

В книге Industrial Biotransforillations описывается значение биотрансформации, которая приобрела промышленного значения, а именно каталитическое воздействие ферментов.

Книга Industrial Biotransforillations показывает преимущество биотрансформации перед химическим синтезом.

Книга начинается с краткого исторического обзора промышленных биотрансформации. Поскольку процесс порядке составления в соответствии с ферментной системы номенклатуры, последняя описывается более подробно. Мы также achapter на реакцию инженерных чтобы облегчить оценку процессов.

Основная часть книги, как и следовало ожидать, является составление промышленных биотрансформации. Комплексный индекс позволит легкий поиск субстратов, ферментов и продуктов.

Industrial Biotransforillations будет полезна в научной и промышленной сфере, когда необходимо представление о промышленной биотрансформации.


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