Computational methods for protein folding contains Statistical Analysis of Protein Folding Kinetics, Insights into Specific Problems in Protein Folding Using Simple Concepts, Protein Recognition by Sequence-to-Structure Fitness: Bridging Efficiency and Capacity of Threading Models, A Unified Approach to the Prediction of Protein Structure and Function, Knowledge-Based Prediction of Protein Tertiary Structure, Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction Using a Size-Dependent Tertiary Folding Potential, Deterministic Global Optimization and Ab Initio Approaches for the Structure Prediction of Polypeptides, Dynamics of Protein Folding, and Protein-Protein Interactions, Detecting Native Protein Folds Among Large Decoy Sites with the OPLS All-Atom Potential and the Surface Generalized Born Solvent Model.
Книга Computational methods for protein folding – это методы для анализа белка, а именно кинетики сворачивания белка, понимание специфических проблем в сворачивании белка, подход к прогнозированию структуры белка, третичная структура белка и структуры полипептидов, динамика сворачивания белков и белок-белковых взаимодействий.